How to boost business with influencer-backed branded merchandise

Tap into the influencer boom to get your brand seen Let's get real for a moment—every business owner dreams of their brand blowing up on social media. But in a world where everyone is vying for attention, how do you get your brand to stand out? One word: influencers. They’re everywhere, and they're your golden ticket to getting noticed. With inf...
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A social media influencer with a selfie light positioning her phone, ready to record a video

Tap into the influencer boom to get your brand seen

Let's get real for a moment—every business owner dreams of their brand blowing up on social media. But in a world where everyone is vying for attention, how do you get your brand to stand out? One word: influencers. They’re everywhere, and they're your golden ticket to getting noticed.

With influencers set to rake in £18.87 per internet user in ad spend by 2024 in the UK, the message is loud and clear: influencer marketing is the future. And when it comes to branded merchandise, there's no better way to boost business than having it featured by someone your potential customers already know, follow, and trust.

Why is it important for your brand? Influencers strategically incorporating your branded merchandise into their content not only amplifies their message but also spotlights your brand's visual identity. Keen to make it part of your strategy? Discover how this powerful form of endorsement can work for your brand.

What is influencer marketing? 

Influencer marketing is your brand’s fast pass to getting noticed. It involves teaming up with popular social media users who’ve got the eyes and ears of your dream customers on social media. They show off your stuff—because they genuinely like it—and their followers, who see them as friends or role models, take note. It’s all about that trust factor turning into your sales booster.

Choosing the right influencer is everything. Imagine you're selling facial moisturisers. Linking up with an influencer who's all about health, wellness, or beauty isn't just smart—it's highly strategic. Their followers are already on the lookout for tips and products in that space, so when your moisturiser gets a shoutout, it lands with an audience that's ready to listen and trust.

When it comes to working with influencers, the deal's usually sweetened with some financial perks, like commissions. This means they get a cut for every sale they help make happen. And here are some stats that prove it’s worth it: 14% of young adults and 11% of Millennials have actually bought something in the last half-year because their favourite influencer pointed them to it. 

Types of influencers

Getting to grips with influencer marketing means understanding who’s who. From the under-the-radar nano-influencers to the spotlight-loving mega-influencers, each plays a different part.

Nano influencers (1-10k followers)

A screenshot of a nano influencer’s Instagram profile from the pet care industry.

These influencers might have smaller followings, but their word packs a punch. With high engagement rates, they’re like the savvy local who knows everyone and gives the best recommendations. Partnering with them feels personal, genuine, and directly hits the heart of tight-knit communities.


Micro influencers (10-100k followers)

A screenshot of a micro influencer’s Instagram profile from the interior design industry.

Sitting comfortably in the middle, micro-influencers strike a perfect balance between reach and relatability. They’re the go-to for niche audiences, offering specialised insights with a personal touch. Their recommendations are trusted and can sway audiences with precision.

Macro influencers (100k-1M followers)

A screenshot of a macro influencer’s Instagram profile from the nutrition industry.

With their wider reach, macro-influencers are the voices that echo far and wide. They have the power to get your brand seen by masses, though their engagement rates might not match those of their smaller counterparts. Still, their endorsement means visibility on a grand scale.

Mega influencers (1M+ followers)

A screenshot of a mega influencer’s Instagram profile from the interior design industry.

The celebrities of the social media world, mega-influencers offer supercharged visibility. The seal of approval from them can catapult your brand into the global public eye. But, with great power comes a hefty price tag and potentially lower engagement rates compared to smaller influencers.

Remember, bigger isn’t always better. With their dedicated followings and authentic voices, nano influencers can often drive more meaningful engagement than the mega-stars. 

So, before you dream of getting a celebrity like Kim Kardashian to showcase your branded merchandise, consider the power of smaller, more connected influencers with a more niche following. Their genuine endorsement could be just what your brand needs to resonate with your target audience. 

The power of branded merchandise in influencer marketing

An assortment of blank branded merchandise from Totally Branded.


With influencers reigning supreme on social media, integrating branded merchandise into their content can be a game-changer. But how exactly does this work? Essentially, when influencers incorporate branded items into their daily posts, stories or videos, it seamlessly weaves your brand into the fabric of their—and their followers’—lives. 

Take a fitness influencer, for example, drinking from a water bottle emblazoned with your gym's logo during a workout. Or a travel enthusiast capturing their journey with your brand's sleek, durable luggage in tow. These moments are more than product placements; they're endorsements that integrate your brand into the influencers' trusted lifestyles. 

Whether it's a clothing company debuting a new collection or a tech firm showcasing their latest innovation, branded merchandise serves as a visual bridge between the influencer's world and your brand identity. Here are some of the benefits of partnering with an influencer:

You don’t alienate potential customers with the “hard sell”

Subtlety is the name of the game in influencer marketing. When influencers integrate your branded merchandise into their content organically, it sidesteps the overt sales pitch that can turn audiences off. This gentle nudge towards your brand, nestled within content they already enjoy, feels less like an ad and more like a natural part of their social media experience. It's about making impressions without pressure, ensuring your brand is remembered not for the push but for the presence.

You cultivate a positive association with your brand

Every time an influencer showcases your branded merchandise, it's an endorsement that money can't buy. These moments, genuine and unforced, help build a narrative around your brand that's rooted in authenticity. As influencers share their genuine experiences with your products, their audience begins to associate your brand with the positive vibes of content they trust and love. This positivity around your brand isn't fleeting; it's a lasting impression that builds customer affinity.

You link your brand to a lifestyle or set of values

Influencer marketing allows you to link your brand to the lifestyle or values that your audience is all about. Take that fitness influencer with your gym’s water bottle again, for instance. More than showing off a product, it demonstrates that your brand fits right into a healthy, active life. It makes your brand something people want to be part of because it matches how they want to live. 

In a nutshell, using branded merch with influencers turns simple brand exposure into genuine connections. It's not just about selling; it's about making your brand a natural fit in people's lives, building a real bond with your audience.

How to develop a robust influencer marketing strategy 

Crafting a solid influencer marketing strategy isn’t rocket science, but it does need a bit of know-how and a clear plan. Let’s break it down.


1. Define your goals

What's the endgame? More sales, broader brand awareness, or breaking into a new market? Pinning down what you want to achieve sets the direction for your entire strategy. 


2. Know your audience 

Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your audience inside and out helps you pick influencers who speak their language and vibe with their interests. It’s about matching your message with the right crowd.


3. Choose influencers wisely 

Picking the right influencers is crucial—think quality over quantity. Start by scouring social media for influencers who already love and engage with your brand or those who embody the vibe and values you stand for. Then, dig into their content and audience. Are their followers genuinely interacting, or is it just a sea of emojis? You want influencers whose audiences are engaged and mirror your target demographic. 

Reaching out? Keep it personal. Slide into their DMs or send a tailored email explaining why a collab could be a win-win. Remember, authenticity is key, so choose influencers who feel a natural fit with your brand.

4. Source branded merchandise

Choose items that resonate with your brand's identity and the influencer's day-to-day activities. For example, a tech company might opt for sleek, branded USB drives or wireless chargers that influencers can use and showcase during their work or tech review sessions. A local café might go for cosy, branded ceramic mugs that influencers can sip from during their morning routine posts. 

The key is to select merch that influencers will integrate naturally into their content, offering subtle yet effective exposure for your brand without coming across as a sales pitch. This approach not only enhances brand recognition but also strengthens the authenticity of the influencer's endorsement.

5. Collaborate on creative content

Work with your influencers to come up with content that feels authentic and engaging. It’s a team effort to make sure their posts hit the sweet spot with their followers and shine the best light on your brand.

6. Measure and adjust 

Keep an eye on how things are going and be ready to tweak your strategy. What’s working? What’s not? It’s all about learning and evolving your approach to get the best results.

Wrapping up, a killer influencer marketing strategy is all about planning, understanding and collaboration. Nail these, and you’re well on your way to making your brand the talk of TikTok (or social media in general).

Seamless integration against the barrier of ad blockers

In the digital world where we're all pros at dodging ads, sneaking your branded merchandise into your audience's feed through influencers is the smart move. Partner with the right voices and let your brand be part of the conversation, not just another ad. Ready to blend in seamlessly to make your brand stand out? Head over to Totally Branded and let's take the first step.