In this blog we will discuss what makes employee name badges important and useful, why customers and clients appreciate name tags, and how they can benefit your employees directly.
What is an Employee Name Badge?
Also known as name tags, name badges are an attachable badge, pin or button that displays the name of the wearer. They often include the company branding as well as job role. For example, Tesco employee name tags include the name, the job role and the date that employee joined the company. Some companies and businesses go as far as making them customisable and even have ways of attaching extras to the badges.
3 Reasons Customers Like Name Badges
- They can find and identify your employees. This will save the awkward “do you work here” questions; and will make it plainly obvious when someone is an employee or not. It also helps customers feel more familiar with that employee and they’ll build a better rapport with each other. This will in turn improve customer loyalty and keep them coming back.
- Giving your employees the authority to represent your business will show customers that you trust your employees, and this will increase customer confidence in your brand. Afterall, you wouldn’t want someone representing your business if they weren’t trustworthy.
- Regardless of how much you trust your employees; we all have bad days. If your customers unfortunately want to make a complaint; being able to identify the employee in question will make the process easier for them and for you. This also works the other way, if an employee provides excellent service. Customers may want to leave positive feedback for them – which will allow you to reward that employee for their hard work.
4 Reasons Employers Like Name Tags
- Name badges provide extra branding space for your business, which is always a plus. Name tags can come in a range of sizes, giving you space to display your brand logo or colours on the tag, or even helpful hints or tips for your customers. The more your branding is out there, the more likely you are to build customer numbers.
- Name tags hold your employees accountable for their actions while they’re at work. They’ll be more likely to work hard if they’re not only representing your business, but themselves as well.
- You might have a large team, and you may not always be able to remember everyone's name. Name tags will allow you to identify your own employees with ease, this will improve your relationships with them. It will also help them feel more “seen” in their role and they’ll be more likely to want to stick with the company. Over time, this will reduce employee turnover, which we know can become expensive.
- They’re relatively affordable and easy to have customised, so they won’t break the bank and their benefits are almost unmatched, especially if you run a very customer-facing business.
3 Reasons Employees Like Name Tags
- Showing your employees that you trust them to represent your business with a uniform and a name tag will boost their confidence in the role; and in themselves. They’ll feel wanted in their role and at the company.
- Some name tags come in the form of ID cards, which can allow access to staff only areas. Having spaces with restricted access will help employees feel safe while at on their breaks. This will also keep restricted areas secure from non-employees.
- Recently, a lot of companies have been investing in name tags that allow employees to add extra details about themselves, such as their personal pronouns. This is not only inclusive for all, but promotes allyship with the LGBTQ+ community. For some employees, being misgendered can be emotionally or mentally damaging, so allowing people to display this will aid in general employee wellbeing and help your employees feel safe at work.
Looking for Your Own Branded Employee Name Badges?
Look no further! We have a handful of brilliant name badges that are ideal for any company or business. Fully customisable, our range varies from wooden and bamboo, through to high quality plastic and metal branded badges. Check out or selection of employee name badges here!