How we helped Guinness World Records with Effective Branded Merchandise

Recently we where approached by the team at The Guiness World Records here in the UK to help create some stand out, fun, and memorable promotional products for an upcoming campaign.

Guinness World Records, which for so many of us is known as the original, the Guinness Book of Records is the global leader in worldwide record-breaking achievements. This simple, yet exciting idea came around in the early 1950's and now more than 70 years on is a household name with offices across the globe with a mission to document the incredible power of record-breaking and inspire achievement every day, across the globe. 

The team at GWR  worked closely over a number of weeks with the lovely Charlotte, a dedicated Merchandise Consultant here to brainstorm different creative concepts which might work for their latest merchandise campaign. 

Charlotte liaised with our internal design studio to create some authentic on screen product designs and worked with the team until the final design was just right for the team at GWR. 


Once we had created the juggling ball concepts the team moved onto the iconic Rubik's Cube custom branded with the GWR logo onto one side of the puzzle cube. 

Once all of the product designs had been finalised and agreed on them meeting the GWR global brand guidelines Charlotte placed the bulk order into production and worked with our orders team to ensure strict QC and delivery deadlines where on schedule throughout the manufacturing process of the promotional products for this campaign. 
Once complete, our Product Manager, Phil, insisted on a pre delivery test drive of the juggling ball set to ensure they worked to perfection, but we think he just wanted to show off his skills really.
Following Phil's testing our dispatch team parcelled up the sets and packed them inside the couriers van. 
And here is the finished article! We think they came out pretty slick and are certainly a little more exciting than most promotional products given away at conferences. 
About the author
Totally Branded supply over 20,000 different promotional products that can all be personalised to your businesses brand. Looking for the UK's #1 branded merchandise supplier? Contact us on 020 31502 818.