To understand what works as freshers fair freebies, you must first understand what a freshers fair is. Before I went to university, I had never even heard of a freshers fair. Upon my arrival, my new found friends and flatmates were all talking about the upcoming freshers fair. There was going to be free food, free stuff, free memberships, free everything! Basically, a fresher's fair a bunch of free stuff just waiting for be snapped up by cash-strapped student hands. It’s best the place to go to receive promotional products from local businesses, like bars, clubs, charities; sometimes they even have other services there, like the fire and ambulance services.
A fresher, also known as “Freshman” is just someone in their first year of university. (In the UK we go by “First Years”). They’re often in a new city, surrounded by new people; what better way to introduce your business to a brand-new year group than at a fresher's fair?
When is it, and What Freshers Fair Freebies Do I Take?
The fairs themselves are normally held around September/October time, depending on when teaching starts at their university. So if you plan to attend to promote your business you’ll need to start getting organised. Find the freebies that you’re going to take and get an inviting display ready.
When you think of students, you might think of excessive partying; busy schedules, or inability to cook anything but beans on toast and pot noodle (We aren’t all like that!). They are also currently the most vulnerable they’ve ever been, some having left home for the very first time; and unless they have a part-time job, they’re probably feeling the pinch, too. Did you know that 88% of students go to freshers fairs just for the freebies? That explains why they're always full of third years, too!
“But what do I need?” You ask? Well luckily, I consider myself a "freshers fair veteran" (You don’t have to be a first year to attend). I’m here to help you decide what to take; and to give you some helpful hints on how to make your display stand out.
Statistically, products that are useful stick better in the minds of anyone, let alone students. If you supply them with practical products like stationary, bottle openers and clothing, your brand will to stand out to them. Read on for our comprehensive list of freebie suggestions below.
Freshers Fair Freebies!
Any Stationary. When they’re not having fun, they’re studying. Supply them with some nice notebooks, some pens, highlighters and even a pencil case. Help them get organised with studying. It will aid them in the classroom; and you’ll stick in the minds of the students if you offer a range of stationary options. It's low cost and transportable, you wont have trouble getting it there. Check out our “Square Shaped Highlighter” which is a 4-in-1, full colour branded highlighter. They’ll need a highlighter like this when it comes to essay prep!
At my first freshers fair, a charity was giving out posters, wristbands and pens. The pens were a type of “Printed banner pen”, which comes with a retractable internal banner. It allows for maximum branding for you, and they were great for something to fidget with in those dreaded 3-hour long lectures. What else is useful in a lecture? Somewhere to write all your notes! Supply some handy branded notebooks, which you can get in a range of funky colours and you’ll have every one waiting in line, hoping to get their favourite colour. To tie your bundle together, we have a natural coloured pencil case, perfect for keeping their pens and pencils in. It's not a necessity but it is a nice extra.
They'll Need Fuel!
- If there is one thing that a lot of students need, it’s energy. Give them a branded travel mug and they’ll take your brand with them everywhere. “Have coffee, will travel” was my motto, and I didn’t go anywhere without my travel mug. There is nothing like a hot mug of liquid energy during that 9am lecture (especially when you didn’t get home till 3.) Check out the “Oregon Travel Mug”, which is available in a range of colours, BPA and PVC free and is extra sturdy – ideal for longevity! Due to the nature of travel mugs, they’re reusable which is also a big thing for the youth of today, being more eco-conscious than ever before.
- Whilst they need energy, they also need to stay hydrated. Notoriously bad at taking care of themselves, encourage them to stay hydrated with a branded water bottle! Have a look at our widely popular insulated vacuum bottles. Which are available in a wide variety of colours, can be branded in full colour and can keep your drinks cold (or hot) for up to 18 – 24 hours.

Food and Sweet Treats!
I know I said we aren’t all "baked beans on toast or pot noodle students", but a lot of us are pretty clueless when it comes to feeding ourselves. Provide them with sustenance whilst getting your name out there. At my fresher's fairs, there was free pizza (from a popular pizza place) and bags of sweets and chocolate on every corner. Why not think outside of the box and provide them with breakfast? Set them up for the day with our “breakfast gift box!” They’ll be likely to take it back to their halls and have it for breakfast the next day – so you’ll get more impressions even after the fair is over!

Did Someone Say "Laundry Day?"
Branded clothing such as socks, t-shirts and hoodies will get you straight to the top of the list of favourite stalls at a freshers fair. You can never have too many t-shirts or hoodies, besides, everyone loves a big snuggly hoodie. Promotional t-shirts and socks make great loungewear around the student halls. (Especially when they run out of other clothes!) You could even incentivise them by saying if they come to your bar or store wearing their promotional freshers fair hoodie they could get a further discount or perhaps a free shot at the bar.

Any more Freshers Fair Freebies?
We haven't finished yet! Here's a quick list of extra freshers fair freebies we think would work well for you!
- Travel card wallets
- Hand sanitiser
- Stress balls
- Calanders
- Hang over kits (I don't need to explain this one!)
- USB Memory Sticks
- Bottle openers
- Trolley Coin Key Rings
Now We've Figured out the Freebies, Let's Sort the Display!
The fairs are usually busy, and packed wall to wall with other businesses, clubs and societies, who are all vying for attention and traffic; so you will NEED to stand out.
Have a look at our branded table cloths, ideal for dressing up your table and brightening up any display or event. You could even have your info printed on the table cloth; this way you won't need to print out as many posters or leaflets. Other ways you can make your display standout is with bright branded bunting and balloons. If you wanted to, you could even give the balloons away too. Get a pull up roller banner to make sure your display rises out of the crowd, and you're spotted from across the room.
You can also check out our university and freshers fair categories as well as our exhibition category, where you’ll find everything listed and much more.