Easter is just around the corner! Read all about the meaning of Easter, it’s many traditions, and some Totally Branded Easter products that will make your Easter even more “egg-cellent!”
When is Easter, and What Does Easter Mean?
This year, Easter Sunday is the 17th of April. The week leading up to Easter Sunday is known as Holy Week; with the Friday before being known as “Good Friday”.
Easter is a religious holiday, observed by Christians across the world. Good Friday is thought to be the day that Jesus, the son of God, gave his life for our sins. He died on the cross at the hands of the Romans, and was resurrected 3 days later, on Easter Sunday. The day has many traditions and different connotations for all who celebrate it.
In the UK and other European or American countries there might be church services or the exchange of gifts and chocolate, but usually also a great feast. This is because Lent ends the day before Easter Sunday. Lent is the fasting of rich, luxurious foods for 40 Days and Nights. Those that practice Lent will give up dairy and eggs and other luxuries to observe the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert. (Read our Pancake Day Blog here!)
The Spring Equinox, which usually falls just before Easter also welcomes in a new season, Spring. This is the season of rebirth and growth after a long and dark winter.
Even before Christianity, this season was celebrated. For Pagans, this time of year was important because the Sun “returned” and Eggs became a symbol of new life, fertility, birth and growth. (think: Spring is when birds begin to nest and mate.) Over the many years, these customs merged with the Church’s customs and the exchange of decorated or dyed eggs as gifts became common place across the globe, with the meanings and ideas changing, adding to an already rich story.
The Easter Egg Hunt
Something that became a massive part of Easter weekend is the Easter Egg hunt. It is said to date back to 16th Century Germany. A man named Martin Luther held egg hunts at the church for his congregation, where the women and children would look for eggs that the men hid. This practice is symbolic of the women who discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty after the resurrection.

The Chocolate Egg
As discussed, the symbolism of the egg dates back to before Christianity. However, wasn’t until the 19th Century that Chocolate Eggs became a popular treat around this time of year. Prior to this, chocolate was a very new product; the first chocolate eggs were solid and not made from the finest of eating chocolate. According to Chocolate Trading Co, the “easter egg” as we know it owes its existence to Dutch inventor Van Houten, who invented a press that could separate Cocoa Butter from the Cocoa bean; and the Cadbury brothers who introduced pure cocoa to the industry in 1866. This turned out to be the secret to moulding any good eating chocolate into its desired shape.

The Easter Bunny
The origins of the “Easter Bunny” date back to Pagan times. At this time of year, Pagans celebrated the Spring, the Sun and the Goddess of dawn and fertility, Eostre; who usually took the form of an egg or hare.
A more modern theory of the Easter Bunny and its origins come from 1600’s Germany, where writings about a the “Oschter Haws” or Easter Hare, was believed to lay a nest of colourful eggs for children who were well-behaved. This tradition then moved across Europe and beyond as people began to move more freely throughout the continents. (Country Living)

Need an Easter Gift?
We’ve got you covered! You can gift your staff or colleagues a lovely treat to help remind them how important they are to you and the business, or they’d make great Easter themed treats for your customers. Check out our entire range here, but let me show you our favourites below!
Easter Mini Creme Egg Box
The “Easter Mini Creme Egg Box” contains a single delicious Cadburys Crème Egg, this cardboard box can be branded in full colour with your design or logo! These make great tokens or gifts to show your appreciation for your staff this Springtime.
Easter Organza Bag with Mini Eggs
We stock these lovely smaller bags with 10 individual milk chocolate Cadburys Mini Eggs inside. The organza bag is made from a sheer synthetic fabric, but can be reused again and again for anything after the eggs are gone. It comes with a full colour branded label, ideal for handing out to customers or passers-by during an Easter event or in the lead up to an event.
Mallow Mountain with Speckled Egg
This tasty treat comes in an eco-friendly cardboard pyramid box, which is branded in full colour with your design or logo. Inside sits a chocolate covered, mountain shaped marshmallow, coated in a sweet milk chocolate and topped with a Mini Egg. Keep your employees sweet with this marshmallow treat!

Hollow Chocolate Eggs in a Box
This little egg carton comes with four tasty, colourful foil wrapped chocolate eggs. The carton is held closed with a sleeve which can be branded with your logo in full colour!
Easter Egg Gift Box
The “Easter Egg Gift Box” contains a little something for everyone, no matter their taste! So, these would be a great gift for your staff if you’re not sure what they all like. They contain 1 Cadbury’s crème egg, 8 small foil wrapped chocolate eggs in an organza bag, 6 delicious chocolate truffles, and a 12-baton chocolate bar, all products can be individually wrapped and branded with your company’s logo, as well as the box exterior.

Easter Wishes
At this time of rebirth and reflection as Spring rolls in, we would like to take this time to think about what we have and what we are grateful for. Thank you to all of our staff, friends, family and our amazing customers. Happy Easter from all of us at Totally Branded! We hope no matter how you celebrate it, you have a great weekend, enjoy your post-Lent feast and we hope the “Oschter Haws” comes and leaves behind lots of delicious eggs for you to munch on.
Here’s to Spring!